

Seriously, I don't even know how many legs it had, but it is copper colored and not like kinda reddish brown--it shines the way copper does.  Is it a spider?  Is is a scorpion?  I don't fucking know but I don't want anymore of them in the place where I live!

This is a shit picture but it's with my phone because I left my camera at Doug's during his pirate themed birthday party, which I already told you about.

Actually, this thing looks like a miniature face hugger.  Oh, Lord.

I tweeted a little while back that my kittens had most definitely saved me from a spider because I found a dead one and I flushed it and I thought it was kinda weird looking, but I hadn't seen a spider in a long time that was that big, so I just figured they looked like that.  To be honest, I don't like killing bugs.  I am perfectly fine with letting them live as long as it's outside, and yes, I will go out of my way (or get someone else to go out of their way) to put whatever bug is in the shower outside.

HOWEVER, I just found the thing in that picture on the floor.  It was already smooshed, like the last one I found, so maybe the cats murdered it--Diana was growling in the kitchen earlier but I figured it was at nothing because she's crazy and kind of a bitch like that--or maybe The Boyfriend stepped on it.  (I never wear shoes so I would have known had my bare foot come in contact with it.)

I am starting to fear that the pimple on my lower back is not a direct result of the monthly breakout I experience due to my period or even a pimple at all but a fucking spider/scorpion bite and these headaches I've been having are not because of the low pressure and/or my period.  This makes me really fear for women everywhere--if we genuinely get sick on our periods how are we ever supposed to know?

But that's a digression and I don't have time for one of those right now.  The point is: I'm scared.  And I'm hoping that The Boyfriend sees this post before he comes home in the morning because I'm leaving the thing's carcass on the back of the toilet for him to inspect while he takes his homecoming wee.

I can't die now; this blog has just started!

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