
The Boyfriend Is The Best

It is my friend FancyKatLover's birthday and I really wanted to do something for him that he would enjoy; however, since I have been dropped from my car insurance and am also utterly terrified to get behind the wheel again, I knew that that thing would have to be done long distance.

So I decided I was going to make him a Keyboard Cat based music video.  And The Boyfriend had to be in it.


Looking back, this shouldn't have boggled my mind.  The Boyfriend is great.  I know this.  But everything is solidified now.

I came up with a band called The Catz.  Yes, with a fucking Z.  Di was on lead guitar, Bart on drums, me on keyboard, and The Boyfriend on the all important tambourine.  I thought it would take some convincing.  I figured it would go:

Me: Here's your tambourine.

The Boyfriend: What am I supposed to do with this?

Me: Play it.  It is integral to the band.

The Boyfriend: What band?

Me: Our band!  The Catz!

The Boyfriend: The Cats?

Me: The CatZZZZZ!!!

The Boyfriend: Oh.  Right.

Me: Okay, play.

The Boyfriend: Yeah, I don't really wanna...

Me: You don't wanna?

The Boyfriend: Not really...

Me: You don't wanna play tambourine in The Catz?

The Boyfriend: Eh...

Me: Do you have ANY idea how many people would literally kill to play the tambourine in The Catz?  Do you?

The Boyfriend: ...

Me: Tens of people, The Boyfriend!  TENS OF PEOPLE!

Then I'd try to force him a little more and it wouldn't end up working out and not only would one of my incredibly accurate TV character references go unnoticed, but I wouldn't have been in the video either and it would have just been the cats and it would have been kind of funny but no where near as good.

But he was totally for it!

And I love him.

Also, it's FancyCatLover's birthday and he is one of the most fantastic friends that could ever exist.  So there is that.


  1. Hi there how are you?

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  2. It wasn't even my birthday and I loved this gift! It made me laugh! cb
