in the U.K. called Over The Rainbow in which Sir (I think he's a sir) Andrew Llyod Weber and the whole of the United Kingdom picks an actress/singer to perform in ALW's new stage rendition of The Wizard of Oz. The show consists mainly of, and I can say this with complete authority as I have watched no fewer than three whole youtube clips, a gaggle of sub-par but realistic women performing "mashups" of pop songs with weird introductions of classic show tunes, random shots of Graham Norton pretending to play instruments, and Sir Weber as he looks thoroughly disappointed and mouths things at nobody in particular and also looks like a cat.
The show also features the search for a dog to play the part of Toto. On this the knighted composer had this to say:
A big sticking point for me, this was ... This is what the BBC wanted and I had to point out to them that as a cat man, this was not something that I was very happy about at all. The whole thing fills me with extreme concern. I might insist on having a cat on the programme, because I think the BBC as a public service broadcaster have got to give equal time in my view to cats.
He's my hero and this is my very favorite new thing ever.